Stamme[n] is a pedal that originated from an initial idea of Kent Sommer (aka UglyCasanova and now digitalflorafx). He asked me if I could make him a pedal that would loop short samples and had tap tempo. It seemed like a fun project and while working on it I decided to add more features. In the end it became an official drolo product and I really want to thank Kent for his input, ideas and the nice chats.
From that initial tap tempo micro looper idea, the pedal has evolved over the years into a micro looper / time stretcher / glitch delay / tape machine / infinite sustainer / reverb.
Head over to the shop if you’d like to purchase one
4 looping modes:
ML (tap tempo micro looper)
The length of the recording can be set manually with the control knob or by
tapping the tempo with the tap switch.
Adjusting the tempo manually with the control knob while a loop is playing will
change the pitch and content of the loop in a destructive manner. When turning
the control knob after you have tapped a tempo, the pitch change does not occur.
Instead, the control knob is then used to define the tap tempo multiplier and its
range is divided in 4 sections.
Turning from left to right the multiplier is : 8x – 4x – 2x – 1x
SL (stretch looper)
Recorded audio gets looped and can be time stretched.
The control knob defines the amount and direction of the stretching.
From the left to noon position it will start to increasingly stretch the recording
and from noon to right it will start to playback the samples in reverse order.
GL (glitch delay):
The delay time randomly changes and the repeats will randomly loop.
From left to noon, the control knob fades in second delay line that runs at twice
the speed (pitched one octave up). From noon to right it will increasingly start
to feedback that line onto itself.
TL (tape loop):
Records short loops of tape that can be played back at a speed and direction set
by the control knob.
From left to right:
reversed, double speed, one octave above
reversed, a fifth above
reversed, half speed, an octave below
forward, normal speed, unison
forward, half speed, an octave below
forward, a fifth above
forward, double speed, one octave above
4 hold modes:
These modes are in fact reverbs that can be set to sustain infinitely (well almost, they do start to degrade slowly after a few minutes).
SW (swell)
The control knob defines how fast the sustained reverb fades in and out.
NOTE: in order to allow the audio to fade out appropriately, in this mode the output of the effect will remain connected even when the pedal is bypassed.
PT (pitch)
The control knob changes the pitch of the reverb.
From left to right: – 1 octave / – 7 semitones / – 5 semitones / unison / + 5 semitones / + 7 semitones / + 1 octave
FL (filter)
The reverb gets processed through a tilt filter.
The control knob goes from a low pass filter on the left to a high pass filter on the right.
ST (stutter)
The reverb gets randomly chopped off.
The control knob adjusts the rate of the chopping.