These are the different patches you can choose from when buying a Molecular Compactor or Disruptor. There are new ones added regularly. You can find a more detailed description of each patch and its controls on the V3 patch list here.
If you have a pedal with older patches (from before november 2018) you can find the older lists here: V2.1 / V2 / V1
stretcholay (delay whose repeats get time stretched forward and reverse)
reversolay (reverse repeats that can be pitch shifted up to 3 octaves)
freqolay (delay with frequency shifted repeats)
verbolay filter (a blend of delay and reverb plus filtered feedback)
verbolay pitch (a blend of delay and reverb plus endless detuned ascending or descending feedback)
chopolay (delay with feedback chopped up in grains whose size you can define)
ringolay (delay with feedback going through a ring modulator)
pitcholay (delay with feedback going through a pitch shifter)
aliaserolay (delay with feedback going through an aliaser)
analog(-ey) mod delay (analog sounding delay with filtered and modulated feedback)
square pitcher (delay with repeats going through a pitch shifter that is modulated with a square wave LFO)
Loopy, samply, freezy stuff
hold pitch (pitched reverb that can be set to loop infinitely, well almost)
hold aliaser (aliased reverb that can be set to loop infinitely, well almost)
random tape loop (a loop of tape where you can use 4 different playback speeds/directions manually or randomly)
tape loop (a loop that can be slowed down or sped up, the length of the loop can be shortened to tiny bits, can feedback into itself)
envoloop vibrato (endless repeating delay loops are envelope triggered and run through a vibrato)
envoloop reverb (endless repeating delay loops are envelope triggered and run through a reverb)
Glitchy, noisy, random stuff
glitcholay (sample size randomly changing plus lots of interdependent randomness, can feedback on itself)
pitch-glitcholay (similar to glitcholay but you can octave up the feedback)
pitch step glider (sample&hold modulated pitch shifter with discreet steps or glissando, can feedback on itself)
pitch square lfo (pitch shifter modulated by a square LFO whose rate can be randomized, can feedback on itself)
resonator (very short resonating repeats that can create a wide range of textures from metallic to spongy)
flanger (pretty wide range, from earpiercing accelerated jet plane sounds tosuper boing rubber sounds)
flanger barberpole TZF ring mod (an endlessly descending or ascending flanger, capable of going through zero, feedback running through a ring modulator)
grandpa’s vinyl (add vinyl crackle, noise, pitch warp and frequency bandwidth loss to your sound)
dynamic tremolo (a regular/harmonic trem patch that can do square and sine wave and has envelope control over the rate)
dynamic ringulator (ring mod with blendable sample&hold and envelope controlled rate)
dynamic vibrato (vibrato whose rate can be envelope controlled, also does a convincing rotary speaker thing if blended with dry signal)
dynamic phaser (phaser whose rate can be envelope controlled)
envelope filter and optional bit crusher (vocal sounding envelope controlled filter, running through a bit crusher)
envelope filter aliased (vocal sounding envelope controlled filter), running through an aliaser)
envelope filter ring modulated (vocal sounding envelope controlled filter, running through a ring modulator)
lfo filter (vocal sounding sine LFO controlled filter)
step filter (vocal sounding sample&hold controlled filter)
step filter bit crushed (vocal sounding sample&hold controlled filter, running through a bit crusher)
hounds (A synth-ey patch inspired by Kate Bush’s running up thathill. A pitch shifter the glides up to the played note with auser definable glissando)
tannhauser gate (a bit crusher, a pitch shifter, a filter and a reverb, the filter and pitch shifter can be controlled through the expression input)
drones (2 individual oscillator drones, of which one can FM modulate the other)