The Moon Rabbit is a 6 stage optical phaser with tap tempo and an envelope follower.
The 6 analog phase stages are voiced halfway between a Uni-Vibe type pedal (staggered phase filter caps) and a more traditional phaser (identical phase filter caps).
It has 8 available LFO shapes and an expression pedal input that can be assigned to control the rate or the range of the phasing.
Head over to the shop if you’d like to purchase one
bypass: The pedal uses a relay bypass. If you give the bypass switch a short tap (<0.3 sec) it acts in latching mode. If you press it for more than 0.3 seconds, the bypass led will start flashing to indicate that you are in momentary mode. When you release the switch the pedal goes back to bypass mode.
tap tempo: Tap in the desired tempo for the LFO modulation. The LFO will apply twice the rate you tap.
wave shape: Selects one of the 8 available modulation wave shapes for the LFO:
ramp up, ramp down, square, triangle, sine, hypertriangle, random steps, random slopes
env: Allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the envelope follower to the level of the input signal. The follower converts the input signal into a control voltage that can be used to affect the rate or the range parameters. Like with an auto-wah, the louder you play the higher the control voltage.
rate: Sets the speed of the modulation. The max speed range will give you ring modulator type sounds.
range: Shifts the range of the modulation between its max and minimum points
The range pot can only be effective if depth is less than maximum.
If depth turned fully down, range can be used as a manual phase shift control.
If you are using the envelope follower to control the range, you can fine tune the sweep with the range knob to find the sweet spots that sound best.
depth: Sets the depth of the modulation. (the width of the LFO wave)
fdbk: Feedback (regeneration) sets the amount of phased signal that gets reinjected into the phaser for a more intense resonant effect. At the max setting it makes the phaser oscillate. The volume of the oscillation is limited by clipping diodes to overdrive more pleasingly and also avoid any hearing/material damage but watch out anyway 🙂
mix: Dials in the mix between wet (CW) and dry (CCW) signals
env/0/exp: These 2 toggle switches define how the envelope follower and expression input are controlling rate and range respectively (follow the little black arrow to see what switch controls what parameter)
– Set to 0, only the respective knob is active. Exp and envelope have no effect on the given parameter.
– Set to exp, the parameter will be controlled by the expression input. In this scenario the actual knob (rate or range) serves to scale the range of the expression input. (setting its maximum value)
– Set to env, the chosen parameter will receive the signal from the envelope follower. Again here, the actual knob serves to scale the effect of the envelope signal. (setting its maximum value)